Six years in on the restoration of Emerald Lady a 31' Ericson Independence we are embarking on our next boat project, the restoration of an 18' 1956 Lyman Runabout.

A larget portion of Lake Lanier, our current sailing grounds, are un-accessable to us as we cannont go beyond Brown's Bridge due to the height of our mast.The few bars and resturants that are accessable to us by water, are not sailboat friendly.

Last but not least,  we have been blessed with six grandchildren (number seven on the way) in the past two and a half years and we know that a little more speed and the means to pull a tube is in our future.

These two facts got me thinking that we needed a little Runabout to expand our horizions on the lake, and that started my search for a Lyman about two years ago.

That the boat would be a Lyman was never in question. Growing up in Toledo Ohio, a stones throw from Sandusky where the Lymans were built, these were the boats of my youth.

Although I have never previousley owned one, I have spent many pleasurable hours working on, and fishing from several that my Brother-in-Law owned over the years.

Our two year search came to end last weekend when we returned home from St. Augustine Flordia with an 18' 1956 Lyman Runabout in tow.
